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The Canadian Social Economy Hub (CSEHub) is inviting proposals for research scholarships, from students and young practitioners (under 30 years of age*) working in the Social Economy. This scholarship program is intended to promote original research by “emerging leaders” in the Social Economy that will advance knowledge for the sector, and advance the capacity of successful candidates to further strengthen the Social Economy in their academic and practitioner sectors.

Lindsay Kearns

lindsayonair.jpgCSEHub Knowledge Mobilization
Lindsay Kearns was first hired as a Work Study student to maintain the CSEHub contact database in October of 2006. Since then, her job has expanded to include tasks such as composing the CSEHub E-Bulletin, maintaining the CSEHub website, publishing the Occasional Papers Series, and producing CSEHub's new Researcher of the Month sessions.

Vivian McCormick

vivian_mckormick.jpgAdministration, Canadian Social Economy Hub

CEDworks! Vol 7, No 1

Making Waves Magazine
The next edition of Making Waves has much to say about leadership in community economic development and social economy.

The Demonstrating Value Initiative
Imagine a performance assessment tool that is practical, affordable, accurate, and applicable across the sectors, structures, and strategies which social enterprise calls home! That's what the Demonstrating Value Initiative is after. Read about it now.

Little Place, Big Story

Youth And Social Enterprise: Speakers' Event and Webcast

The Social Economy Centre (OISE/UT) Presents

Youth And Social Enterprise

Andrew Macdonald
Manager, Eva's Phoenix

Jennifer LaTrobe
Managing Director, All-A-Board Youth Ventures


Tina Sorbara
HR and Finance Manager, Guelph Campus Co-op

Me, 01/21/2009

Social Economy Fact Sheets

In order to provide an easy reference for the participants in the Government Dialogue on the Social Economy, the Canadian Social Economy Hub worked with the research centres across Canada to produce a set of Fact Sheets on the Social Economy research projects that were identified as being of greatest interest to policy-makers.

Getting the Message Out: Successful Models for Co-operative Enterprise Development

This lecture is part of a SSHRC research project Regional Co-op Council grant # 603 2007-0008 led by Dr. Ana Maria Peredo and organized by BCICS and the Faculty of Business at UVic

January 8, 2009 - What resources are needed to support the growth of co-operative enterprises? How do you create synergy and cohesion among local co-ops?