SE in the News


Le 11 juillet, 2008 - Les médias

De plus en plus d'entreprises font face aux défis de la mondialisation En tant qu'agence de développement économique communautaire, notre rôle premier consiste à fournir le leadership nécessaire pour que notre région puisse relever les nombreux défis et les opportunités qui se présentent. Au cours du dernier exercice financier, plusieurs de nos entreprises ont subi les soubresauts de la mondialisation.

July 9, 2008 - News

Close to $300,000 funding for women’s projects announced at Tri-County Women’s Centre
Close to $300,000 funding for three projects designed to significantly improve the lives of women and girls throughout southwestern Nova Scotia was announced by Gerald Keddy, conservative Member of Parliament for South Shore - St. Margaret's, at the Tri-County Women’s Centre in Yarmouth this afternoon.

June 20, 2008 - News

Go wild! Popularity of organics feeds appetite for indigenous foods that grow in wild
Milkweed pods marinated in cider vinegar? Curry soup with cattail hearts? Wild salmon with white spruce sauce? Brie with wild rose petal jelly? Who knew that many of the things that grow along Canadian trails, ditches and back roads are not only edible, but in demand? A red-winged blackbird perches on a cattail. The cattail hearts are harvested in late spring and are similar to hearts of palm.

Le 20 juin, 2008 - Les médias

Le retrait du fédéral en crédit communautaire: le soutien aux milieux en dévitalisation en péril Le Réseau québécois du crédit communautaire se joint aux voix qui dénoncent le retrait du fédéral dans le soutien des organismes sans but lucratif en développement économique. En effet, depuis octobre 2007, plusieurs de ses membres sont touchés par ces coupures.

June 19, 2008 - News

McGill conference tackles global food crisis
The world is currently facing one of its most serious challenges in ensuring there is enough food for everyone. Changing dietary and food consumption patterns, rising energy prices, climate change, and dramatic natural events like floods and storms are all contributing to critical food shortages and sharply higher prices. As prices have risen, market forces have also begun to play a role in driving cost even higher. The world’s poor are the hardest hit.

June 18, 2008 - News

Roseau River In Turmoil
The community has had its water turned off by the Pembina Valley Water Co-op, because it is four months behind in paying its bills. Chief Terry Nelson has called it an act of terrorism, but Water Co-op C.E.O. Sam Schellenberg refutes that notion. He says everything was done to avoid this situation, but all they received were promises from Roseau leadership.

Le 18 juin, 2008 - Les médias

Dernier bilan de la CRÉ: 166 projets, 4,6 millions $ de subventions Pas moins de 166 projets et 4,6 millions $ de subventions en provenance de cinq fonds différents, voilà le bilan de la Conférence régionale des élus de la Mauricie pour l'année 2007, 2008.

June 17, 2008 - News

Provincial government announces the details for Northern Initiative fund
The provincial government released guidelines and criteria on Monday for the $100-million Northern New Brunswick Infrastructure Initiative. Roland Haché, minister of environment and minister responsible for the infrastructure initiative, outlined details of the program during a technical briefing at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Beresford.

Le 17 juin, 2008 - Les médias

La Coopérative des artisanes de l’UCFO Inc. – déjà 12 années de croissance! Une trentaine de membres de la Coopérative des artisanes de l’UCFO Inc. ont participé à la 13e AGA du groupe, le 8 juin dernier, au Hilton de la ville de Windsor en Ontario.

June 16, 2008 - News

New Co-op slated for Hall Beach
This summer's sealift won't just bring Hall Beach residents the usual vehicles, appliances and cans of Coke. It will also bring something a little out of the ordinary - a brand new multimillion dollar Co-op store - or at least, the materials for one. Construction of the new 6,000-square-foot store, which will also have an attached 3,000-square-foot heated warehouse and office space, will cost $2 million to $3 million.