SE in the News


March 1st, 2007 - News

Northern Ontario native receives business award
Darcy Kejick, a member of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation, has received an award for his recent business plan.

February 28th, 2007 - News

New youth program could be a good fit for schools, groups
After being at Muskoka Futures for three and a half months I still get the question from my friends “So what is it that you do?” I think about it for a second then rhyme off a huge list of different things we do at Muskoka Futures, leaving them more confused than ever. So for you, the reading public, I want to clear up the confusion and give you a good snapshot of what we do at Muskoka Futures. In short, we do a lot.

February 27th, 2007 - News

Don't sweat it: Fashion and fairness can go together, even when time and budget are limited
The woman next to me digs her hand down the back of my shirt, trying to find the label. We are in a No Sweat workshop, part of an ethical purchasing forum at the University of Victoria last weekend. Our first exercise is to find out where our own clothes were made and mark it on a map at the front of the room.

Le 23 février 2007 - Les médias

Un nouvel investissement dans des programmes de micro-prêts à l’intention des entrepreneurs de la Colombie-Britannique Il est maintenant plus facile de lancer une entreprise depuis que le nouveau gouvernement du Canada, en collaboration avec Vancity et Coast Capital Savings, a annoncé à la mise en œuvre de deux programmes de micro-prêts de quatre ans destinés aux entrepreneurs locaux.

February 22nd, 2007 - News

Global Village leads fair trade movement
Many have grey hair and don't pass as trendsetters. But the original volunteers at Global Village were ahead of the wave when it came to ethical purchasing 18 years ago. Their approach was simple: Pay Third World artisans a fair price for products; sell the crafts out of a storefront; and return profits to the Third World by way of grants.

Le 22 février 2007 - Les médias

Les cols blancs de Montréal appuient la lutte contre l’inégalité Nord-Sud Le Syndicat des fonctionnaires municipaux de Montréal (SCFP-FTQ) est heureux d’apporter une contribution financière pour «éteindre le feu de l’inégalité Nord-Sud».

Le 20 février 2007 - Les médias

Budget 2007-2008 - De bonnes intentions, mais peu d'argent neuf "Le budget déposé aujourd'hui par le ministre des Finances, M. Michel Audet, s'inscrit dans la poursuite des orientations déjà mises de l'avant par le gouvernement.

Le 18 février 2007 - Les médias

Un total de 54 000 $ remis à cinq entreprises d'économie sociale La Société de développement économique de Drummondville soutient financièrement plusieurs organismes d'économie sociale de la MRC de Drummond. Ainsi, au cours des derniers mois, elle a remis 54 000 $ à cinq entreprises dont la mission est reconnue dans le milieu.

February 17th, 2007 - News

Big bucks going into local investments
As the RRSP deadline approaches, the provincial government announced Friday that Nova Scotians invested record amounts last year in community investment funds that qualify for a tax break.

February 16th, 2007 - News

Cooking Up New Collective Kitchens
In 1985, in the Montreal east-end district of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, three women with limited money and time found themselves unable to properly feed their families. To cut down on costs, they decided to buy their food in bulk and cook together for an afternoon.