The mentor experience of seven women interns for the Internship for Young Leaders Program

TitreThe mentor experience of seven women interns for the Internship for Young Leaders Program
Type de publicationThesis
Nouvelles publications2002
AuteursDebergh EA
SupprimerMaster of Science M.Sc.
UniversityUniversity of Guelph (Canada)
Clé de citation: Guelph, ON
Accession NumberAAT MQ65920

This study explores the experience of being mentored in the Internship For Young Leaders Program, a pilot project that employs the concept of formal mentoring in its approach to build a pool of qualified young adults, equipped with the skills necessary to be a member of a rural board of directors.This research describes the journey of seven women interns/proteges over the course of the year long program and explores the unique process by which the mentor relationships develop within the context of a formal mentor program in the nonprofit sector. This research is exploratory and phenomenological in nature. It employs a combination of in-depth interviews and a structured questionnaire that assists in exploring further the value interns place on various aspects of the mentor relationship.While the study discusses the importance of setting expectations, building trust, showing initiative and communicating regularly have on building a successful mentor relationship, it more so discusses the impact of program design in its bid to support the mentor relationship. Recommendations for the program demonstrate the interrelationship that exists between the mentor relationship, the sponsoring organization and the programs design, and offers specific examples to integrate the needs of these various stakeholders.